In order to deeply implement the action of gathering innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the "Big Zero Bay" Science and Technology Innovation Policy Source Functional Zone, attract more high-level foreign talents to work and start businesses in Minhang, and provide better business environment and service quality for relevant enterprises, the Science and Technology Commission of Minhang District has opened a series of "you ask me to answer foreign experts" to answer hot questions about work permits for foreigners in China.
Q1: Where do foreigners apply for and accept work permits in China?
Application for Foreigner Work Permit in China: Log in to the Foreigner Work Management Service System (National Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technology)(
Inquiry of the acceptance point for foreign work permits in China: Log in to the official website of the Shanghai R&D Public Service Platform(
Q2: Which foreigners are included in other foreign personnel (Class C)?
Q2: 外国其他人员(C类)包括哪些外国人皇冠信用网哪里申请?
Other foreign personnel (Class C) refer to other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and comply with national policies and regulations. Mainly including: 1. Foreign personnel who comply with the current regulations on foreign work management in China; 2. Foreign personnel engaged in temporary or short-term (not exceeding 90 days) work; 3. Personnel implementing quota management include foreign youth who come to China for internships according to intergovernmental agreements, foreign students who meet the required conditions, foreign graduates from overseas universities, and foreigners working in special fields such as ocean fishing.
Q3: What are the key points for calculating points in a foreigner's work permit in China?
The points calculation elements include: directly granting qualifications (such as being selected for the domestic talent introduction program and meeting internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards, encouraging job standards that meet market orientation, innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and outstanding young talents), paying annual salary by domestic employers, education level or obtaining vocational skill qualification certificates, working years, annual working hours, Chinese language proficiency, work orientation, age Graduated from a high-level university abroad or with experience in a Fortune Global 500 company and other qualifications (possessing intellectual property rights such as patents, having worked continuously in China for 5 years or more).
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